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Marking time in Advent

The Hermitage

December 12, 2019

As I was having my breakfast tea this morning I realized how long it’s been since I’ve felt as though I had anything worthwhile to post. I’ve had several minor meditations, but by the next day they were gone, so not very life changing.

As I pondered this, a thought, and an image, came to mind…

The thought:

I’m again in a season of dormancy. This time, however, it feels more like a good thing. I’m not striving to move forward, good things seem to be happening on a random time table, and I’m very much at peace.

The Image:

It was a huge (and I mean really huge) hourglass. I watched the sand slowly drift to the bottom bell, almost grain by grain instead of the usual stream. The upper bell was about two thirds full and it seemed in no hurry to empty itself. (Amazing anthropomorphism, eh?) With a peaceful heart I idly wondered how long it would take to run its course. And then a huge hand gently grasped the hourglass and turned it over. (i realized the hour glass was in scale with the hand, not vice-versa.)

A new beginning.

Tito has brought new routines into my life. The mornings now are dominated by my alarm awakening me to let him out for his morning “routine.” When finished, I put out his food. While he eats I make my tea, and then we settle into my recliner for our morning quiet time. He curls up between my knees, I select the music for the morning, look to see what’s in my email, and begin my morning ritual for quiet time, prayer and contemplation.

Interestingly enough, this now rarely brings forth a meditation. Instead I find myself napping or listening to a book, or randomly thinking about folks that I lift up before the Lord for their needs.

The remainder of the day is rather unstructured. In the past, after finishing my tea, I would retire to my office and write for an hour or so. A multitude of things has changed that. Among the excuses, eyes and shoulder pain have made it more difficult.

Other times I play my hammered dulcimer and/or mountain dulcimer...sometimes doing exercises, sometimes learning new songs, and sometimes just improvising as my spirit flows into the music’s rhythm.

If the afternoons are warm enough, I try to take a short walk down the drive with Tito. Then he and I retire to the veranda where he plays in the yard and I have more quiet time. For a mind that is normally like a herd of baby goats playing king of the mountain I find my thoughts to be very quiet. Most days as we go back in I couldn’t tell you what I had been thinking just minutes before.

In many ways it’s a time for reminiscing, looking back over a rather unconventional journey. As I approach my 82nd year after receiving the gift of life, I realize I’ve been forgiven much, but — hopefully — I’ve given much as well.

Much of the ‘old life ’ is past, replaced (or renewed?) by the anticipation of the different experiences currently veiled from sight. Interestingly enough, I’m finding old skills (music, coaching, counseling, spiritual companionship and direction) coming to the fore again, and much of my time is in new educational endeavors or refreshing past knowledge.

And perhaps the greatest evidence of marking time in Advent:..

For maybe the first time in my life that I remember, I don’t have a five year plan to update during Christmastide,

And I have great peace about that. In my usual fashion I have some “projects” but they no longer seem to be an “addiction.”

I’m aware none of this is very profound, but I felt led to add it to the Journey. Hopefully, it will mean something to you in ways I can’t imagine.

And so:

It is Advent in my life...

Marking time...

Awaiting the New.

‘Til then,

Thanks for journeying with me.

— — — — — — — — — -


For those of you who are tea lovers I’ve found a great new flavor--Cape Town Rooibos by The Tao of Tea. (you can find it on Amazon) It has a chia like quality without the spiciness and is wonderfully refreshing any time of day. If you’re into an evening “toddy-for-the-body” a dash of Irish Mist Honey liqueur (also a new discovery) is just what the evening demands.

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