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There but for the grace of God....

The Hermitage

December 18, 2019

During my quiet time this morning, I was looking at my front door. Joyce commented on its beauty yesterday. I agree. I looked around my wonderful little home — warm and snug in the 26 degree weather, Then beyond to The Heritage Ranch, and I once again gave thanks for the multitude of blessings God has bestowed on me.

I thought again of Joyce’s ministry to the homeless, and suddenly realized one of my blessings was I wasn’t there with them!

After getting out of the Navy I went to the University of Texas to get a degree in Architecture...a Masters to be exact. Andrea and I were dirt poor (I’ll leave out the messy details) living on my part time job as a draftsman at the magnificent sum of $1.95 an hour. Andrea worked at various jobs but much of that went to cover child care. We really were living on my GI Bill.

Midway through the first semester of my second year — the year of the MBA — I discovered the vagaries of academia...For the second time in my life a college hadn’t quite told me the truth.

In preparation to leaving the Navy I had researched the requirements for getting the Masters since I already had my Bachelor’s. Two years was the answer. It was good enough for us to begin the adventure. But…

Now, as I visited with my advisor, I was told, well - yes - it was two years worth of classes since I had all the other required classes, but not really. Architecture was a four year course, and the classes I needed to finish were only offered class per semester over another two years.

Two more years. And the GI Bill wouldn’t pay for part time...

That’s when, but for the grace of God and the help of my sister, we were saved from being homeless.

While I stayed in Austin and searched for a new career...or actually any job that paid a living wage...Andrea, Hill and our newborn son Chris went to live with my sister who, thankfully, ignoredt my father’s objections. “A man had to take care of his own family.”

After a few weeks of rejection letters and interviews, with time running out on our University housing (that’s another story in itself!), I told the Lord I would do anything but insurance.

So I got a job almost immediately...

and spent the next five years in the insurance industry.

So many blessings.

As I pause in writing this I again look out on the beautiful oaks of The Hermitage Ranch and think back over my 82 years.

So many, many blessings.

I think, as we begin a new year and a new decade, I will begin to write a series of blogs about all the miracles and blessings God has given me. With only 365 days in 2020 I’ll probably be writing well into 2021 or 2022.

So many, many, many blessings.

And, as my Christmas letter will say — you, my dear spiritual companion, are one of the greatest!

Till then…

Thanks for journeying with me


The photo for this piece is the front door of The Hermitage. I tried to find a homeless picture, but all were too graphic, making my thankfulness even more real.

As the feast of the Christ Child nears, I remember He was once homeless too, as Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt.

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